Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 1 - Raw Vegan for 30 Days

I decided to take the plunge and try 30 days of RAW Vegan. Today was my first day. It went quite well…I was pleased and surprised by several things:

Plates adorned with colorful organic fruit and vegetables were enough to make me excited for what I might come up with for the next meal. I didn’t dread trying to find something to put together and cook for any meals. In fact it was quite the leisurely experience to browse the fridge for amazing food combinations.

I was full before I expected to be. Lunch in particular…I had a loaded plate and chose to eat my “fatty” avocado dip and vegetables first leaving no room for an apple. The apple, however, did make an excellent afternoon snack with raw peanut butter.

Daily routine did not make me as tired as I have been lately. Instead of wanting to take advantage of a full 2 hour nap while the kids were sleeping, I found myself energized after only an hour of rest.

Tomorrow is full of promise as I’m looking forward to what other delicious meals and snacks I can come up with or repeat again.

Ever so grateful for the internet and those that post their successes, meals, observations and tips and I hope to be as helpful as I record my daily journey with RAW.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Potty Training Makes You Run Faster

It’s time for the diapers to go! My little girl is only 19 months old, but if she can tell me she’s going “poo!” then she can do it on a potty. Geared up with our juice, new underwear, pink musical potty and a week free of obligations Monday started us on our day’s journey of wet panties and cleaning little turds off the carpet. Ah the joys of motherhood…

It was a long day measured out in ten-fifteen minute increments of plopping little butt cheeks down to do business at the ring of the alarm. We did a lot of sitting and reading, so, by the end of the day…or rather 3:30 in the afternoon I wasn’t the only one crawling the walls. Dressed in my running gear a full twenty minutes before my husband got off work I was rearing to go running.

By the time my husband got home, the in-laws stopped for a quick visit and my daughter had managed to get off the potty and proceed to have a full waterfall on our front step I had completed my running outfit with ear-buds and running watch. Out like a shot I told myself to pace myself and turned my attention more towards the song that was playing than pace.

Top of the first hill and the beep signaling my first lap, a half mile, and I’m amazed to see my casual, not even taking my breath away pace was under 9 minutes a mile…a feat for me! The rest of the run felt fantastic as I blazed my way along the trail feeling so fantastic I didn’t bother to worry about the TWO missed calls from my husband…no doubt a desperate man searching for a clean pair of frilly panties.

As I stopped, I noted that I had felt fantastic the whole run, not felt winded or wanted to complain as I do normally with short runs. And wouldn’t you know it…all that sitting around cooped up for potty training had me energized to run and beat my best 5k time! By the end of the week I intend to try out for the Olympics.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Is It the GUs Or the Mental Outlook? – Running Long

   “Do these really do anything and what DO they do?” the sales cashier asked while ringing up my three Vanilla Bean and two Chocolate Outrage energy GUs. Headed out in for a long run – 18 miles – I was prepping my fuel belt the afternoon before I ventured out for self inflicted torture.  “These are the difference between being able to run for a long time and not by refueling your glycogen” I replied.
   Ever since my first 10 mile run - attempted without anything besides water and a stern but practical nudging from my running partner to look into a fuel belt and running gels during marathon training - I’ve been amazed and re-energized with GUs. I truly believed the difference between my successes or failures pounding pavement relied solely on gels…now I’m not so sure.
   5am Saturday morning I found myself posting a small movie clip of the dragon from Disney’s Mulan proclaiming “I Liiive!” while rising from magical smoke. My feelings exactly. And that was about all I was feeling in exception to serious intimidation of running 3+ hours by myself. I wasn’t feeling it and coffee with a small snack didn’t help.
   Nothing seemed to improve as I plodded away keeping more attention to my watch and pace than how my body was feeling. As I passed the two mile mark I wondered if I was alone in the ability to actually believe you can attempt sleeping while running…
   Finally waking up around 3.5 miles, I turned my thoughts to my GU refueling strategy – 4 miles, 7-8, 11-12 should get me through without remotely feeling the effects of bonking. The first gel was a burden and took me a half mile to slowly ingest and was it my imagination or was it bugging my stomach? Being truly awake didn’t seem to be helping me find my running groove and thoughts of heading home were already creeping in at mile seven.
   Mile nine and I’m wondering if I’d rather be in labor than volunteering to run this far and I’m only half way! Naaaa…I’d keep running but with the ever present awareness of my handy phone ready to call for a ride. Gels two and three were about the same as number one and all other gels for the run were definitely not part of my strategy even as the last daunting miles stared me in the face. The GUs were not doing their job today as I plodded along…even on that last six mile stretch home when I generally feel the loose flowing stride coming easily.
   I started to wonder if the GUs had actually hindered my feeling better and if I would have done a better job without them. I struggled through my long 18 mile run. It was tough. Were GUs really the difference between my success – actually finishing decently alive- and failure Saturday? I’m thinking not since the only thing getting me through the last four miles consisted of sheer willpower to not make a phone call.
   I’ve decided to revise my statement on GUs – GUs make up the 1% of the 100% needed to complete a long run…while gels are still incredibly helpful, one’s mental state does 99% of the work to get the body through a long run. I will still run with GUs but I might be prepping my attitude more than my fuel belt from now on.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Simple Things


“It looks…oh!...yummy!”  my 4-year-old exclaimed this morning as he approached the breakfast table. I felt that I’d succeeded as both a mother and an individual…his squeal of delight touched my heart and I glowed with pride at having obtained such a rewarding reaction for something so simple.

But it really is the simple things in life that seem to mean the most. For instance, how this breakfast came to be. Yesterday I was looking to improve the view of a small corner of my house by hanging a decorative cookbook stand on the wall. I daydreamed that it would only be a complete picture if I had Bride & Groom: First and Forever Cookbook to display. Sighing, I placed the cookbook stand, empty, back on my counter.

Would you know it!? A simple thing, such as looking at my local up-cycle Facebook page, later that afternoon resulted in that very cookbook available, in nearly new condition, for $3...of course I went out and got it!

I was elated…even now I’m elated and decided to put it to use this morning finding this simple breakfast:

(modified from original  recipe)

Banana Milk  

                1 cup almond milk

                2 bananas, 1 frozen

                1 tsp vanilla


Dusted with Cinnamon Plus Spice Blend from The Pampered Chef

Peanut Butter Toast

                Whole wheat bread slices

                Natural peanut butter

                Drizzled honey

                Dusted with Cinnamon Plus Spice Blend from The Pampered Chef

Displayed on Willow House medium Blue River Stone Platter garnished with firm but ripe red cherries.

Breakfast, so simple, yet so delicious and rewarding.